Android Expert
I am hoping this will stay in the main forum area and not be moved
so it can get more views to help me understand this
I have my at & t acct
2 accts are mine on a family plan(captivate & backflip, with a 3rd soon for a windows mobile device)
and the other one is for my roommate
Well today i tried to call into ask about window phone 7 and they asked me for a password...
Now normally, i wouldn't be thrown off but at the same time...I never have given at & t a password before...they always use the last 4 of my social...
after discovering a password was placed on my acct...i discovered this was done on oct. roommate wouldn't place a password on the acct...she is an authorized user only to do exchanges and pay her bill...she wouldn't do it
But who would? My ex bf
after 15 minutes of verifying who Carmen ????? is....i was able to get into the acct and promised that this wouldnt happen again....
3 hours later...
I discovered my phone was not provisioned for calls...or anything for that matter
at first i freaked out trying to figure out what is going on with the account, thinking i was past due but then i remembered...i pay 2 months in advance so that's impossible
i called into realize it has been suspended and the password changed again...
i discovered he can always suspend my account as long as he reports my phone lost or stolen....
how he gets my password idk.....
but is there anything i can do because he can always suspend my line without any thing stopping him...
I am basically upset and scared
so it can get more views to help me understand this
I have my at & t acct
2 accts are mine on a family plan(captivate & backflip, with a 3rd soon for a windows mobile device)
and the other one is for my roommate
Well today i tried to call into ask about window phone 7 and they asked me for a password...
Now normally, i wouldn't be thrown off but at the same time...I never have given at & t a password before...they always use the last 4 of my social...
after discovering a password was placed on my acct...i discovered this was done on oct. roommate wouldn't place a password on the acct...she is an authorized user only to do exchanges and pay her bill...she wouldn't do it
But who would? My ex bf
after 15 minutes of verifying who Carmen ????? is....i was able to get into the acct and promised that this wouldnt happen again....
3 hours later...
I discovered my phone was not provisioned for calls...or anything for that matter
at first i freaked out trying to figure out what is going on with the account, thinking i was past due but then i remembered...i pay 2 months in advance so that's impossible
i called into realize it has been suspended and the password changed again...
i discovered he can always suspend my account as long as he reports my phone lost or stolen....
how he gets my password idk.....
but is there anything i can do because he can always suspend my line without any thing stopping him...
I am basically upset and scared