Got a 2008 model 15inch Macbook Pro. Was working yesterday, but today seems to be dead. When one presses the power button, the DVD makes a noise, can hear the fan running, but that's all, screen remains dark, no Mac 'bong!' sounds. Tried removing the battery etc, and running it on mains or battery still the same. I would guess that the mainboard(Logic board as Apple calls it) is at fault here. A new mainboard would probably be prohibitively expensive for an almost 4 year old Mac.
Was wondering if there was anything else I should try before giving it a final send-off and the last rites?
Will probably get a Lenovo laptop and put Linux Mint on there, rather than getting another Mac.
Was wondering if there was anything else I should try before giving it a final send-off and the last rites?
Will probably get a Lenovo laptop and put Linux Mint on there, rather than getting another Mac.