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I've posted questions but, never introduced myself


Jun 10, 2016
Hi.. just as the title says. So here goes a big thank you to all who have answered my questions. And now my self-introduction.
My user name, chibae, is for my fav orchid Phalaenopsis chibae. I am a mild aged woman who is almost a sole android in a ios family and friends world. My daughter and her husband were, until last month, the only other android-phone and tablet users, in my circle. Last month my husband and I upgraded together to GS7's. It is his first smart phone.
I normally stay a year or so behind any electronics that I buy, except computers. Phones were no exception. My first smart phone was a Blackberry. I loved the phone but the touch screen and the online eco-system were not what I really wanted.
Two years later I moved to a Droid X2. I kept that phone for two years and was ready to upgrade to either a GS3 or GS4. At the Verizon store the GS3 was $100 and the GS4 was $200. My plan was to finally play around with rooting on the Droid once I had upgraded. Well the droid went swimming thus sinking my rooting plans. At the same time RadioShack was still active with Verizon and android and I was able to switch to a GS3 for free, with a new 2 year contract.
In January of 2014 I bought a used Nexus 7 (2012) 16g WiFi only tablet. It had been rooted but I got cold feet and the seller flashed it back to stock for me.
So here I am with an older Blackberry that is used as an mp3 player and twice in the past has been used as an emergency back up phone by family members. A GS3 that has all my birding apps and a holder to attach it to my spotting scope. Due to it's smaller size and almost indestructible build I enjoy being able to slip it into my pocket before heading out into the field, leaving the GS7 to stay in the relative safety of the belt pack. An older tablet that is the only computer I take with me on vacation. It not only has my birding apps, to view larger images at home, it is my primary e-reader and I use it to view images from a SD card so I can look at them more easily than on the back of the camera. And of course the GS7.
Between the three of them I have a candy store; kit-kat, lollipop and marshmellow. I have been using the GS3 and the tablet to try out launchers and any apps I might want to use before putting them on the GS7. Not so much paranoia as I don't want to have to reset the GS7 if I don't have to, in case anything goes south.
All three devices have my birding apps, my books, a weather radar app, a regular weather app, office to go and a few others. Thanks for reading if you got this far. And thanks for all the information on this site.
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Hi, welcome. If you are looking to explore your "roots", I would stick to the Nexus. The VZW branded phones will bite back;). Nexus devices, on the other hand, are relatively tame
I am planning on doing that when I get a new(er) tablet and the nexus is no longer in use. I don't want to mess with the GS3 because it is now my back up phone. Although the Blackberry could be put into service again if needed.
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Welcome Nero Wolfe! (Fictional detective who raised exotic orchids)

I've got most of those birding and nature apps. Great, aren't they?

I really need to stop and count my orchids, plus the Asian Pitcher plants (nepenthes). I primarily use ibird pro (android version), Audubon and Birdlog NA. They are great to have, very handy too. I bought some of the other nature apps by Audubon when they were on sale for half price but haven't really explored them much.
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Hi Chibae! I'll let you good folks raise the orchids and exotic flora while I purposely keep a respectful distance. I am a lousy horticulturalist, and am wholly incapable of raising anything but weeds. My Darling Bride has such a brown thumb that she actually - TRUE STORY - killed an air fern once. So out of respect for your hobbies, I'll stay far away so my death cooties don't rub off on you :D :p
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so.. you and your hubby are the last of androids in your clan..

so why did your daughter and her hubby jump ship?
and how do they like it on the other side of the fence?

Perhaps I didn't explain it right. My daughter and son-in-law have always been and still are Android. I joined the team in 2011 or so. My husband finally joined us in June. The rest of family and friends are ios
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