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Jelly Bean on Galaxy Nexus


Well-Known Member
Mobile Syrup is reporting JB update is rolling out...But here in CDA I believe it is dependant on the carrier releasing it, correct?

Anyone who is not rooted get their JB from their carrier?

I'm on 4.0.2, Rogers still has not released 4.0.4. Grrr. Got this phone thinking I'd get the updates right away but still have to depend on Rogers.
ps. people on Rogers forum are saying that it is samsung responsible for updates and not Rogers on the gnex....wtf.
As far as I know all Canadian Galaxy Nexus phones regardless of Carrier are running the yakjuux stream which is controlled by Samsung. Mine was on 4.0.1 up until this week which was pitiful so I finally took the plunge and flashed to 4.0.4 yakju, and then applied the OTA update ZIP to bring that to 4.1.1 JB.

Both processes weren't that hard and I'm very glad I did it.

[HOW-TO] [GSM & CDMA] Convert to latest yakju/takju/mysid (incl JB) / Return to stock - xda-developers
[REF] [HOW-TO] [GSM & CDMA] Official Google OTA update URLs -- Latest: JRO03C 4.1.1 - xda-developers

Worth looking into at least, though we really shouldn't have to do this step and Samsung should keep our phones as up to date as Google is doing with yakju, otherwise how are ours Nexus?
I'm running a stock Nexus S purchased from Rogers and still operating on Rogers which updated OTA to JB 4.1.1 about 2 weeks ago. 2 friends of mine have also been updated.
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