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Help jelly bean wifi problem


Jul 26, 2012
Since I got the jelly bean update I am unable to connect to my home wifi.
the access point name gets displayed on the phone but after i tap on "connect" nothing happens. :(
It just displays- Saved, secured with WPA2
I was able to connect to it before the jelly bean update, infact the OTA update was downloaded using the same wifi.
Please Help. thanks in advance.

Forgot to mention my phone is Nexus S.
The Jelly Bean upgrade was just installed on my Xoom tablet and now Wi-Fi is broken. The tablet just loops displaying the Wi-Fi network name and "saved". If I try to connect, nothing happens. I've tried "forgetting" the network and also rebooting. None of the local networks can be joined anymore.

Also, when the tablet boots, it still displays the Ice Cream Sandwich splash screens but after it boots, it's got the Jelly Bean features.

I think the upgrade just killed my Wi-Fi, and without it, I can't connect to try to upgrade or download any fixes...

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