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Just got 5.1.1

I was having the memory leak problem that caused the home screen to not refresh correctly some times....so far I haven't noticed that. I'm still keeping an eye on battery life. It got worse on 5.1, but I also added two new bluetooth devices at the exact same time (and previously almost always had bluetooth off), so I couldn't tell how much was due to bluetooth vs. 5.1. So far, batter appears to be a touch better even with bluetooth on.

I did not do a factory reset after either installation.

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Got the OTA last night. Seems to be slightly worse battery (staying awake a lot right now) but I suspect that will die down as it settles in. Haven't seen a homescreen redraw yet so that's nice already.

Also, do we know if there was an update to the radio? My cell standby seems to have gone way up after the update, and I haven't changed my usage. Might just be my imagination though.
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