Well-Known Member
first off, this is a really nice forum and messaging board. it helped
me out so much with my nexus one. but the reason for my post
is that i have come to the conclusion that i am just not a "smart"
phone guy. i find it a pain in the butt carrying this thing around,
i am a nervous wreck that i'm going to drop it or have it stolen, and
i hate feeling like that. second, i just can't enjoy the web on the little
screen. i have tried, but it just bugs the sh*t out of me. so i am buying
the "old school" sony equinox flip phone and going back to my old
self, but i do want to say, THANK YOU! to all you android peeps that
have been so fun to talk with. i hope you enjoy your smart phones and
have a peaceful existence, thanks.
me out so much with my nexus one. but the reason for my post
is that i have come to the conclusion that i am just not a "smart"
phone guy. i find it a pain in the butt carrying this thing around,
i am a nervous wreck that i'm going to drop it or have it stolen, and
i hate feeling like that. second, i just can't enjoy the web on the little
screen. i have tried, but it just bugs the sh*t out of me. so i am buying
the "old school" sony equinox flip phone and going back to my old
self, but i do want to say, THANK YOU! to all you android peeps that
have been so fun to talk with. i hope you enjoy your smart phones and
have a peaceful existence, thanks.