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Keeping the background at 480x86=54(portrait)


Nov 21, 2010
Hi guys, new here. I have looked at numerous threads and I realize to get a perfect BG, the image is required to be 960x854 to span across all screens. With ADW launcher, you are able to disable scrolling of the background through each screen, however I would like to know if it is possible to keep the image at 480x854 without having to crop the image?

EDIT: I seem to have fat fingered = when trying to hit backspace to put the correct res in title, it should read as

*Keeping the background at 480x854(portrait)*

Sorry for the typo ~_~
Hey thanks for responding :D. How does one do that? I just got my stuff and I'm trying to get the hand of this

EDIT: If im understanding right, take the 480x854 and expand to 960x854 canvas, I need to use ADW to stop the background from scrolling right? Is ADW the only way to stop the background scrolling?
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