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Help Keeping the bottom 3 buttons lit

Any app or setting or other way to keep the bottom three buttons lit for as long as my screen is on? The buttons do illuminate when the room is "dark" but the system and my eyes disagree on what the proper threshold is for "darkness". Any way to adjust this in favor of my eyes? My HTC one V IS rooted.
There are a couple apps that can do this since you're rooted. But I wouldn't recommend them. They're unstable... if my screen and buttons were on for too long, when I turned my screen off the buttons stayed on. Also if my screen was off for a while, when I woke it back up the buttons wouldn't light up at all. Every time these things happened I had to go back into the app and turn it off, then back on. Then I finally decided to uninstall it once when the buttons were stuck off, mistake. My buttons were stuck off even after uninstalling. I thought they were broke, but luckily after reinstalling the app, turning it on, then off, then uninstalling again, they were back to normal.
Thanks for the reply. You know what I finally did as a workaround? I have a screen protector so I took a black magic marker and drew a thin black line along the plastic cover on top of the thin sensor at the top. The blackened plastic makes the sensor think it's in a dark room and the buttons stay illuminated now in all but the brightest of environments.
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