There are several ways to deal with low space on your phone. If you go to settings->applications (or application manager) you can look at all apps installed and sort them by size. If there are apps you don't use and don't plan to, uninstall them. You can tap on the entry for each app and delete its cache. This is only temporary though, since as you use the apps the cache fills up again. You can delete data, but that throws out all saved data for the app, such as login info, game progress, etc.
One of the things that I have found is a big offender is called Dialer Storage. Among other things, it contains your SMS/MMS. If you receive or send lots of pictures, it can get huge pretty fast. What I do is go through my MMS and save the pictures to my SD card. I then delete the messages.
I hope this helps! If not, there are two avenues: You can re-submit your question with additional info the same way you submitted this one, or you can join the forums for a better back and forth exchange of info.
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