I have been using LauncherPro Beta for a couple of weeks, and i cannot believe how good it is. It has the 3d like launcher which is great. It also includes this cool sense like screen that zooms out for all your home screens, which is great. Than there has been included, with the updates many options for the bottom bar including a froyo like dock, a changeable custom 4 icon dock, and a default dock with four options for phone, contacts, messaging, and browser. Than there is a optional glass ipad like effect to put under the dock, which is very good looking. And there is also a option to have 5 columns of buttons in the portrait launcher and seven in landscape which gives the device a different look from other droids. Also there is the option to add vertical space to the home screen for more icons but i find it to disrupt the widgets and make things not work in landscape, so that i would not recommend using.j I suppose it could work if you had no widgets, but if you have some you can just not use this added feature.. And did i forget to mention its very fast and it has very few force closes. Ive tried many of the other launchers out there like helixlauncher 1 and 2, adw launcher, and home ++ which are all great but launcher pro takes it to the next level. Launcherpro is much better than the stock launcher and I advise everyone to download.