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Launcherpro Question

The main benefits for me are the choice of 3-7 homescreens and a replacement dock that scrolls and can have up to 15 items on it. Pinch to zoom out is another, but Sense already had that for me. It also has a nifty 3d app drawer, but that's more visual than functional.
honestly, it is all personal preference.

myself, for example.... i have Launcher Pro set up with all of my most used apps, and nothing except for a clock widget on my screen. i like the simplistic look of it, and not having to go through all of my apps in the main menu to find what i want, because 9 times out of 10 it is in the dock now. :)
I really like the scrolling dock...you can have 15 shortcuts there, and you can add a swipe-to-open another app for each icon. For example, if I press the Web icon I get the stock web browser; if I swipe the icon I get the xScope browser.
Not to mention that the scrolling is WAY smoother that what you find find in the default launcher.
Also, for those of us without scrolling widgets, using LauncherPro allows us to have that feature. Additionally, you can re-size any widget when you use LP.
I really like the scrolling dock...you can have 15 shortcuts there, and you can add a swipe-to-open another app for each icon. For example, if I press the Web icon I get the stock web browser; if I swipe the icon I get the xScope browser.

This did it for me as well. I have quick contacts on left and right dock. Press to call swipe to text. Works great.

I high suggest LauncherPro. I'm loving it.
Hi-wondering if anyone else is having any problems with Launcher Pro. I have been using it for a while after trying many different ones (I use the Moto Droid). Granted, I have a lot of apps loaded, but I do find I'm running sluggishly, and having more FC's with the program than I think I should. Initially I found it better in this respect than ADW and Helixlauncher, but it has changed as noted. I do like the scrolling widgets, extra home screens (haven't tried the extra Docks). Considering removing it, but it takes so much manipulation to set things up the way you want them, I'm hesitant.
Hi-wondering if anyone else is having any problems with Launcher Pro. I have been using it for a while after trying many different ones (I use the Moto Droid). Granted, I have a lot of apps loaded, but I do find I'm running sluggishly, and having more FC's with the program than I think I should. Initially I found it better in this respect than ADW and Helixlauncher, but it has changed as noted. I do like the scrolling widgets, extra home screens (haven't tried the extra Docks). Considering removing it, but it takes so much manipulation to set things up the way you want them, I'm hesitant.

When did you notice that it began doing this?

Some people noticed some initial problems when the new Verizon 2.2 update installed. That could be your issue.

Verizon customer service will recommend a factory reset and most people find that sorts it out.

Also deleting and reinstalling your widgets can sometimes help I hear.

more than likely it is something along those lines.
Out of all those launcher alternatives out there, LauncherPro is the best choice in my books, it gets rid of the butt ugly Motoblur dock or Sense UI dock and such and adds plenty of options such as resizing widgets and minimizing animations and other actions to increase the phone's performance. It definitely improved the overall use on the Motorola Charm.

On my older phones (Android 1.5), LiveHome is my choice, pretty close to what LauncherPro is in some ways.


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Ok I have a problem. I down loaded Launchpro and love it. I liked the option I had switching between them when I hit the home button then I when and made HTC Sense my default and cant get that option back. Can some one help me get my Launch pro back ??
Ok I have a problem. I down loaded Launchpro and love it. I liked the option I had switching between them when I hit the home button then I when and made HTC Sense my default and cant get that option back. Can some one help me get my Launch pro back ??

Okay...I just went through this...trying to remember (I am on a Droid 1 though)...

As I recall, I went to Settings>applications> Launcher pro> then started Launcher pro...when it ran it asked me again to make it default and I said yes and "remember this"...

if that is wrong I will try to piece together what I did.
Thanks Muab I tried that but it is not giving me the option to set by default ? It is blacked out. I tried to uninstall it as well and reinstall but still nothing ?
Or go to the market and grab Home Switcher. It lists all your home options, and from within it toy can change what you have as default.
Ok I have a problem. I down loaded Launchpro and love it. I liked the option I had switching between them when I hit the home button then I when and made HTC Sense my default and cant get that option back. Can some one help me get my Launch pro back ??
Settings > applications > manage applications > HTC Sense and click clear defaults (also try Rosie Utility). Also you could always download and install Home Switcher.
Settings > applications > manage applications > HTC Sense and click clear defaults (also try Rosie Utility). Also you could always download and install Home Switcher.

Thanks for the tips and Home Switcher is AWESOME thank you for that tip it is what I needed.:D
When did you notice that it began doing this?

Some people noticed some initial problems when the new Verizon 2.2 update installed. That could be your issue.

Verizon customer service will recommend a factory reset and most people find that sorts it out.

Also deleting and reinstalling your widgets can sometimes help I hear.

more than likely it is something along those lines.

I had some of these issues before the update, but it seems worse since. Also having trouble with Handcent since upgrade (already posted on different thread). I have to remove some stuff, and see if it helps-I definitely am one who has to try every "next best thing" he reads about. I'm running it with Folder Organizer, QuickDesk,the Power Control Widget, and, out of curiosity, Downloaded Homepipe (mixed results so far), 2 keyboards, Kindle, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Another relatively new addition has been Live Wallpapers, which I really like, but I suspect they may cause performance and battery use problems. Has anyone found this to be the case?
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