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Layout ideas


Android Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2010

Thats my current layout, and to be honest I'm getting pretty bored with it. (Other screens are just widgets, and a blank one)

I'm not looking for any groundbreaking "omg my phone looks so awesome" ideas, just some suggestions on how I can "spruce" up my desktops a little bit.
I look forward to everyone's suggestions.

In the end, I think this really comes down to how YOU want it and what YOU want on your home screens. You're going to get all sorts of different suggestions because some people like very simplistic and minimalist screens while others like to fill every available spot. I'd suggest just scrolling through the "Let us peek at your screen" thread in the EVO section or look through here: http://androidforums.com/android-themes/4425-post-your-android-desktop.html
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Yeah I realize that, I'm just looking for somewhere to start.
I tried the minimalist look, (as you can see in the screen) and I'm not a really big fan of it. Being able to use more detailed wallpapers is nice, but it doesn't really make up for the "emptiness" so to speak.
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