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LG G6 barely two months in


Android Expert
Jan 14, 2011
Okay I have had the LG G6 for just a little under two months and to be honest after two months it has barely began to grow on me. I only got the G6 because of the price and it was one of the few phones that still had a head phone jack.
I have notice several issues that started out small and at first I demissed as a fluke maybe a system hiccup, have begun to grow a little more serious.
Apps Crashing: this started happening in the first week I had the device. First it was Google+, then Flipboard, followed by Gmail, photos and various other apps. At first it was random with each app, but then with Google+ and several others it became a regular problem. I have uninstalled, reinstalled the apps a few times.
Touch screen. I Will go to open an app, make a call and my touch screen is not responsive. I will have to restart the phone.
Phone randomly shuts down. This has only happen maybe three times possibly four times. This concerns me because this phone is brand new (well pretty much brand new) with barely two months of service it shouldn't be shutting down. The shutdowns occur regardless of the battery strength.
I would add battery issues to the list but since owning my first cellphone a Nokia flip phone. Back in 96/97?? I have just come to accept cellphone battery life will never be perfect.
I have notice with the G6 it goes from 100% to 98% in about ten minutes. After an hour it drops into the 80's and an hour or two after that it reaches the 70's.
There seems to be a delay of several hours before it reaches down into the 60's. At the 50-59% range the battery tends to stay way from anywhere from 3-6 hrs. Once it drops below 49% there is a rapid loss of battery life till about 35% battery life. Things slow down until the battery hits 25%.
Its gone from 25% to 15% in under thirty minutes.
Last night it went 15% to 11% in roughly five minutes and from 11% to 8% in another ten and from 8% to 5% in five minutes and 5% to 2% in under three minutes. The phone shut down at 2%.
To give credit where its due. I have kid apps installed that use to drain the battery on my S3, nexus 4, LG L90 and Nexus 6 in an hour or two. I gave my daughter my phone at 76% and after. Two hours of play I think the phone battery life had only drop down to about 65% (which was rather impressive)
@joe71 has anything improved? I have to say that this phone sounds like a bad one. Maybe just a bad battery, but I definitely would do something about replacing it. I can't say I'm in love with the G6 like i was with the Nexus6, but I haven't had anywhere near the issues you have. It's been a very rock-solid phone for me.
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@joe71 has anything improved? I have to say that this phone sounds like a bad one. Maybe just a bad battery, but I definitely would do something about replacing it. I can't say I'm in love with the G6 like i was with the Nexus6, but I haven't had anywhere near the issues you have. It's been a very rock-solid phone for me.
@lunatic59 I finally did a factory reset a few days ago. I have seen a slight improvement in the battery life. I have been keeping the battery charge as much as possible. I am still having a problem with apps constantly crashing. I am also having issues with bootloop. I have to restart the device several times. The only saving grace this phone has is the camera. I will probably end sticking with it as my carrier T-Mobile really doesn't have anything else I want unless I get the Note 8 or V30 however I am getting ready for a career change and an $800-$950 cellphone might not be the best choice my possible new line of work
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Unless you've got a really bizarre combination of apps, or a corrupt one, the bootlooping and app crashing are definitely not my or any other G6 owner's experience. I'd be concerned that you've got something wrong that can't be fixed with firmware. Flaky memory/storage come to mind. You really should see if you can get it replaced under warranty.
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