So all of a sudden a black box pops up saying "The SD card was unexpectedly removed, please unmount first" or something to that effect. So it would start scanning the card, and it just keeps happening over and over, meanwhile I'm not even touching the SD Card.
I tried unmounting it, taking it out, putting it back in but it still just keeps telling me that the SD Card was removed, then goes back to scanning the card again.
I was just using it this morning to listen to music, not sure why all of a sudden its doing this. Any ideas?
By the way, plan on getting rid of this phone soon for a Galaxy S3 or HTC Desire 816 soon anyway, but still.
I tried unmounting it, taking it out, putting it back in but it still just keeps telling me that the SD Card was removed, then goes back to scanning the card again.
I was just using it this morning to listen to music, not sure why all of a sudden its doing this. Any ideas?
By the way, plan on getting rid of this phone soon for a Galaxy S3 or HTC Desire 816 soon anyway, but still.