I wouldn't get your hopes up too much. Any file deleted two months prior is very, very unlikely to be recoverable, even if it's a matter where you haven't been using your phone at all since that time. And even if that was the case, there is no consumer recovery utility in existence that's 100% effective in restoring deleted files even under a best case situation. Also, running any recovery utility remotely (on a computer) on a modern smartphone isn't a viable option any more -- any phone running Marshmallow or newer has encrypted storage media. Reading the storage media and detecting files is one thing, but with encrypted storage media actually accessing the files isn't going to happen. Where did you read this is possible? Please post your source(s). Were the articles written prior to 2015 or so? (before Marshmallow was released) The reality is data stored in your phone's internal storage gets written and re-written continuously -- files get saved, edited, deleted, whatever. Even when you use a web browser app and just leave it idle will be writing data as a typical web page will re-update itself frequently. The odds of a deleted video two weeks ago being completely intact is a hit-or-miss matter, a two month old video much less likely.
There's an outside chance that if you had stored that video on a microSD card that it might still be recoverable using one of those utilities. (The default file system on an externally formatted card is FAT32 and not encrypted). But a lot of that depends on how often you've been using the card.
You should get some kind of backup solution implemented now. Don't let this happen again.