I've noticed that the live microbes wallpaper changes after it's been on for a while. The wallpaper is comprised of small oblong circles of different colors scurrying around consuming white dots that pop up randomly around the screen and when you touch the wallpaper directly. When the microbes consume dots, they grow. Once they grow enough, they split. If a microbe doesn't eat any white dots for about 30 seconds, it dies. New microbes don't seem to just pop up and so all the microbes on the screen are descended from the original population. So, after about a week of letting the wallpaper just exist, the ratio of different colored microbes changes dramatically. Some colors have completely disappeared and one color is clearly dominant. After a longer time, only one color will remain. I've seen it happen 3 times since I've had my GS2 and it rests to a new population of microbes when I restart the phone.
Has anyone else noticed this or have I just read too much Dawkins?
Has anyone else noticed this or have I just read too much Dawkins?