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Loading route directions in Google Maps from PC to phone


Android Enthusiast
Is it possible to move routes/directions from Google maps on your PC web browser to maps and navigation on your phone?

I have worked out how to export kml files from Google Maps on the PC.

It would have been nice to be able to save routes in My Maps (maybe you can, but I don't see how).

Also, is it possible to build a route with multiple destinations in Google Maps/Navigation on the phone?


Well, I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are working towards, but it works for me. This does have a bug, but it is the easiest way I've found so far for me.

I went to Google Maps in my browser, selected 'LABS', and enabled the 'Short URL' feature. Then, after I build my directions on the Browser, I select the 'Link' button in the top right of the Map. I then send this short URL link to my phone and it prompts me to open the link in Internet or Maps. So, I select Maps, and my phone launches Google Maps and goes directly to the directions where I can just select 'Navigate' if I want to. And, this includes the way-points I set in Google Maps in the directions on the phone too.

The bug is, that the short URL doesn't seem to be a 'static' link since when I close the desktop browser, the short URL link stops working. But, once I have the directions up on the phone, who cares.
i do it a similar way but without the short URL
first i just get the directions like i normally would, then just click send and email it to myself. then i open the email on my phone and open the link with google maps and then click navigate
Thanks guys but neither method is working for me at the moment.

I built a multi-stop route on the PC (400 miles from Calais to to a town in the Vendee, via Rouen, Le Mans, and Angers).

The short url method didn't show a route - it simpley opened the map?

Using the email method without the short url resulted in a route showing in Maps on the phone, but the second half of the route was all over the place - not the same as the one I had planned on the PC :(

Any suggestions?


Update - got the short url method working but the result is the same, on the map view the route is all garbled.
I have been experimenting again. The email option is better as it doesn't have the issue of the route not working once the map has been closed.

The route list on the phone is identical to the one on the PC, which is good, but the route shown on the map goes wrong part way along the route.

Do you see this? Is it simply because the phone has no GPS signal when I view the route on the map?

I have been experimenting again. The email option is better as it doesn't have the issue of the route not working once the map has been closed.

The route list on the phone is identical to the one on the PC, which is good, but the route shown on the map goes wrong part way along the route.

Do you see this? Is it simply because the phone has no GPS signal when I view the route on the map?

hm i've never had that problem, although i've never set a 400 mile route either

I've found two ways to get google maps down to my incredible. The first way is to use a 'my map' from your google account. I created one called 'My GPS Favorites'. I then added my points of interest to that map.

To see 'My GPS Favorites' from the phone, you click on the 'layers' icon/button, then click on 'More Layers' and select 'My Maps'. From there you should see a menu of the maps you've created, ie: 'My GPS Favorites'. All the locations in that will be displayed as icons on the map.

Lastly, once the icons are displayed you could either click on the icon, or, select the icon in the lower left of the map that looks like a picture of a list. All your saved locations should be displayed as a text list. You can then pick the specific location you want and choose the 'Navigate' function. By the way, this works for saved routes as well as locations!

The other way I've seen to get locations is to bookmark, or star, the item which then makes it available on the phone.

My phone is an HTC incredible.

I hope that helps!
Here are some screen grabs to show the problem I am having:

Here is the route I prepared on my Windows laptop:


Then here is what I see on my HTC Desire (updated to Froyo) in Google Maps:


For some reason the plot of the route goes haywire about half way along.

It happens for long or short routes with multiple destinations or waypoints.

Thanks for this - I was keen to find out how to access My Maps info on my Desire so this is very helpful.



I've found two ways to get google maps down to my incredible. The first way is to use a 'my map' from your google account. I created one called 'My GPS Favorites'. I then added my points of interest to that map.

To see 'My GPS Favorites' from the phone, you click on the 'layers' icon/button, then click on 'More Layers' and select 'My Maps'. From there you should see a menu of the maps you've created, ie: 'My GPS Favorites'. All the locations in that will be displayed as icons on the map.

Lastly, once the icons are displayed you could either click on the icon, or, select the icon in the lower left of the map that looks like a picture of a list. All your saved locations should be displayed as a text list. You can then pick the specific location you want and choose the 'Navigate' function. By the way, this works for saved routes as well as locations!

The other way I've seen to get locations is to bookmark, or star, the item which then makes it available on the phone.

My phone is an HTC incredible.

I hope that helps!
Am I unique in having this issue? Could someone do me a big favour and try to replicate this by creating a multi-destination route and sending it to their Android phone like in my example?

Many thanks!

Am I unique in having this issue? Could someone do me a big favour and try to replicate this by creating a multi-destination route and sending it to their Android phone like in my example?

Many thanks!


have you just tried using the Nav app on your phone instead of doing it on the computer?
have you just tried using the Nav app on your phone instead of doing it on the computer?

Can you add multiple destinations in Android Google Navigation? If so, I've been barking up the wrong tree all along (although leanred a lot along the way!)

Just click Save To My Maps on the PC. Then when you load maps on the phone, go to My Maps and it should be there. I use this all the time.
Just click Save To My Maps on the PC. Then when you load maps on the phone, go to My Maps and it should be there. I use this all the time.

Ah, yes - we've been through this already. My problem is that the trip/route get's all garbled on the map on the phone - see post 11 in this thread.

Am I unique in having this issue? Could someone do me a big favour and try to replicate this by creating a multi-destination route and sending it to their Android phone like in my example?

Many thanks!


its not unique. i was fiddling with the same thing and tried to do a circular path around the city of Toronto. Built it with wapoints on google maps, but once i sent it to my phone and opened it up in Nav, it got halfway through the route and then zigzaged through the heart of the city, buildings and all, not following any streets. it just cut through and finally ended up at the last waypoint which was also in the incorrect spot.

google need to work on this MUCH more than they need to include a stupid bicycle and walking navigation. priorities Google... priorities!!!
u guys do realize that the software is still in beta on the phone right?

Virtually everything Google does remains in 'beta'... i don't fault them for that, they're always trying new things.. thats great.

Just concentrate on the IMPORTANT stuff first and leave the side projects as such until you're big apps finally leave the beta stage.
btw i tried several multi destinations maps etc and chrome to phoned my maps and it worked perfectly. i live in LA so that might have something to do with it.
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