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Help Locked out/Pattern Need Factory Reset

Ok first off.. I cannot believe this tablet has hardly any information regarding system restoring/system factory reset. I keep getting mislead information on how to get to the system factory restore screen. From what I am gathering now, I need to hook it up to a computer to actually access this tablet to restore it to factory.

Here is the scenario:

I bought a used tablet from an individual that was feed up with it because her daughter locked them out of the tablet. Well.. after much failure at guessing this 7 year old's secret pattern, I felt it was time for a system restore.... well... this is where I need help. I cannot find any documentation describing this process or how to go about it. I have tried the volume + and - with power process several times, can only get to a solid black screen with two led lights on.

I understand this is where usb debugging comes into play, however you have to have this option turned on for this to work right? I have no idea if that's the case for I have never been able to get into the system. I have ordered a usb cable for this tablet.. hoping I'm not barking up a tree for wasted money.

Any help would be appreciated.


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