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Help Locks randomly and won't unlock


Dec 18, 2011
My G6 is driving me crazy! I'll be just going along doing whatever on the phone when suddenly it will vibrate a couple of times and the screen will go black. Then it will go to the lock screen and refuse to unlock! I can tap, swipe, scream at it, whatever, but it won't give me the screen to put in my pin code. The only thing I can do is restart the phone. It doesn't seem to have a pattern when this happens. I mean it's not doing it in one particular app, or during any certain time of the day, etc. But just now it did this three times within five minutes. I thought maybe it was trying to protect itself while overheating even though I haven't read anything about such a behavior built into the phone. But while it feels warm just now (after doing this three times within minutes), it does not feel hot. Has anyone else seen or heard of this? Can you tell me how to stop it? If I'm inadvertently doing something that causes it I'll stop doing whatever it is. It's really irritating and heaven forbid something like this happens in the middle of an emergency where I need to use the phone! Thank you in advance!


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