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Looking for a good Medication Manager


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
I've seen a couple old posts, but I thought I would see if there was anything newer.

I take a handful of pills every morning and I'd like a decent app to track my medications and remind me of what to take. It would also have doctor and pharmacy info. It's the kind of app when you go into the doctor's office and they ask you what meds your taking, you whip out your phone and tell them without having to tax the memory.

It would be nice if it tracked and reminded you of refills...

I used iPharmacy Med Guide for a while. It has everything you're looking for, if memory serves. I'm not associated with the app or Dev, just a guy who takes a bunch of meds for a spinal cord injury. So I feel your pain (pardon the pun) over trying to remember meds and times and doses and refills and docs and pharmacies and so on. It's enough to drive you to drink (more)! I was running the app on a Droid Incredible (1), and it ran fine. I now just use a notes app to jot down all my important info, and include pics of my prescription labels from the bottles., then add refill dates on my calendar. Yes, a bit more clunky, but it works better this way for my specific needs. Try iPharmacy, I think you'll find it useful.
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