Android Enthusiast
I recently lost my trusty old ZTE Force (which I absolutely loved for its sturdy design and a couple of really stable custom roms). It had a good run, but was showing its age. I had retired it to the position of Mp3 player/knockaround device (no data/phone service). But since it is gone I need another cheap but usable device to fill the void.
Not to sound like a choosing beggar but here is what Im looking for:
:Easy on the pocketbook as possible, $30USD is extreme high end of my budget
:Nothing special in the hardware dept. (dual core is good enough)
:rootable at a minimum, but would like some sort of decent rom, mostly just to get rid of bloat, but I can manually debloat if I need to
:would like to have as modern an OS as possible (Force had JB, but some of the apps I wanted to install didnt go as far back as JB)
I think that is everything I need out of a device. Please let me know what you think of and TIA.
Not to sound like a choosing beggar but here is what Im looking for:
:Easy on the pocketbook as possible, $30USD is extreme high end of my budget
:Nothing special in the hardware dept. (dual core is good enough)
:rootable at a minimum, but would like some sort of decent rom, mostly just to get rid of bloat, but I can manually debloat if I need to
:would like to have as modern an OS as possible (Force had JB, but some of the apps I wanted to install didnt go as far back as JB)
I think that is everything I need out of a device. Please let me know what you think of and TIA.