I'm finally getting too tired of my Eris being crappy and slow as hell and I'm looking for a new phone. The main thing I'm looking for is something faster than the Eris so I don't have to deal with all the keyboard lag, slow opening apps and text threads, lousy touch response and the slow text receiving. I would like a physical keyboard, but I hated the droid's keyboard and havent seen the droid2's. A big bright screen would be nice as well as a good camera, but those aren't as important.
Basically i'm considering the droid 2, droid x, Incredible or the Fascinate, but i'm not really sure what to get. Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated
Basically i'm considering the droid 2, droid x, Incredible or the Fascinate, but i'm not really sure what to get. Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated