I've been browsing this site for a while now. I need some advice on my next move with my cell phone and possibly my carrier. I currently have AT&T and the original iPhone. I'm ready for an Android phone! I've been with them since early 2008. My contract has been up for a while so now I have the opportunity to upgrade or leave with no ETF. I'm in a good position. Since I've been with AT&T so long, I have an unlimited data package and about 92 hours of rollover minutes. I'm on the 300 anytime minutes plan/package. I rarely talk on the phone! Well, I can't decide if I should wait for the new 4G phones coming out for AT&T. I really like the Atrix, except everyone and there grandma says MotoBlur is horrible. Problem is, I don't think I'll have 4G in my area. Same is true if I were to switch to Verizon. I do know that 3G is available through Verizon in my area; AT&T 3G isn't. For me price wise, switching to Verizon would be the same, although I would lose rollover minutes. I also would lose free minutes as more of my closer friends and fiance use AT&T. No biggie there. I'm leaning towards making the switch and picking up a Droid X. (FTR, I've had T-Mo and they were so stingy. They wouldn't give me a deal at all, even when I was with them since they were Voice Stream. Sprint is HORRIBLE in my area.)
So, would a 4G phone pick up 3G when only 3G was available? I'm not a hacker at all. I've never been into rooting, jail breaking my phones. Would MotoBlur be bad for someone like me? Would I be better going the 4G route, even if I may not have it in my area? I really don't know what I should do. HAHA!
Sorry so long and thank you in advance.
So, would a 4G phone pick up 3G when only 3G was available? I'm not a hacker at all. I've never been into rooting, jail breaking my phones. Would MotoBlur be bad for someone like me? Would I be better going the 4G route, even if I may not have it in my area? I really don't know what I should do. HAHA!
Sorry so long and thank you in advance.