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Looking for something similar to the Arms Locker app Palm used to have


Well-Known Member
Hey all... used to have an app on my Palm called "Arms Locker", which could be used to keep track of guns (and ammo, and ranges, and, and, and...). Was wondering if anyone had done something similar for the Android system?
Based upon your description I would think a pretty vanilla note-taking App would do the trick. Even something like this:

Super To do List - Android app on AppBrain

Seems like it would do the trick...or heck, keep a running Google Wave series with this info maybe.

The only firearm-specific Apps I could find were these.

Shooter (Ballistics) - Android app on AppBrain

Survive! - Android app on AppBrain

The shooter App has some functions for storing ammunition data, but I think it more like performance/ballistics info, not quantities etc...

Cheers, and good luck on your search.
A basic notation app would work, but this was set up specifically record firearms data for records purposes.

Already have Shooter (which I plan on playing with at the range soon). But wish I could find somethig similar to that old Palm app...
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