Android Enthusiast
Buy | Sell | Trade
..Looking to Trade
..Droid X2 for Galaxy Nexus+money or HTC deviice
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Even Trade - No Money, Paypal
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Extended Battery and FM tuner to play music in car from the droid
Additional Information/Comments
I am looking for an HTC phone (thunderbolt, rezound etc) or a Gnex or iPhone 4/4s. If you have another phone I am, then offer it. I am open to other phones. I may require money for some phones or I could include money for others.
..Looking to Trade
..Droid X2 for Galaxy Nexus+money or HTC deviice
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Even Trade - No Money, Paypal
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..Extended Battery and FM tuner to play music in car from the droid
Additional Information/Comments
I am looking for an HTC phone (thunderbolt, rezound etc) or a Gnex or iPhone 4/4s. If you have another phone I am, then offer it. I am open to other phones. I may require money for some phones or I could include money for others.