Android Expert
Buy | Sell | Trade
..Looking to Trade
..My HTC One S + cash for your Nexus 4
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Even Trade - No Money, Paypal
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..3 Cruzerlite cases
Additional Information/Comments
I am looking to trade my T-Mobile HTC One S + cash for a Nexus 4. My phone is in mint condition, had a case on since birth, never dropped, and I have the box as well. Also no scratches. I have sold many phones on here and on swappa with all great feed back(http://androidforums.com/classifieds/438678-member-ratings.html) Phone is rooted with S-Off and currently running Liquid but I can put any ROM you wish on it. You will need to ship first as its my only phone. If interested, please let me know and we can discuss how much on top of my phone for the trade. If you send me a PM, please post in here that you sent a PM
..Looking to Trade
..My HTC One S + cash for your Nexus 4
Shipping Included?
Payment Options
..Even Trade - No Money, Paypal
..Mint: Perfect device and all original included items
Extra Included Items
..3 Cruzerlite cases
Additional Information/Comments
I am looking to trade my T-Mobile HTC One S + cash for a Nexus 4. My phone is in mint condition, had a case on since birth, never dropped, and I have the box as well. Also no scratches. I have sold many phones on here and on swappa with all great feed back(http://androidforums.com/classifieds/438678-member-ratings.html) Phone is rooted with S-Off and currently running Liquid but I can put any ROM you wish on it. You will need to ship first as its my only phone. If interested, please let me know and we can discuss how much on top of my phone for the trade. If you send me a PM, please post in here that you sent a PM