Android Enthusiast
As I was browsing the wonderful topics found here I read the above topic. I liked the suggestions on apps for lost/stolen phones and was intrigued about the "Plan B". Then I noticed that the time stamp was Feb 23, 2013. From the VERY little I understand about technology isn't the amount of time that passed since that was posted essentially a lifetime ago?
So what I am really wondering is how valid is the info in there relating to today? When I clicked on info about Plan B it just gave me empty links.
What is everyone using/recommending for lost phones now? My wife and I are horrible with misplacing our phones but my wife is definitely worse. She left her phone on top of her car a couple years ago and only repeated (read: hundreds) calls finally got the guy who found it to be willing to return it for a "reward" for his efforts. I was gonna reward him alright but the wife made me give him some money instead. Still to this day she misplaces her phone at least 3 or 4 times a month so I really do want to find a lost phone app that even a tek geeneeous like me can use. Is LostAndroid still a good option?
So what I am really wondering is how valid is the info in there relating to today? When I clicked on info about Plan B it just gave me empty links.
What is everyone using/recommending for lost phones now? My wife and I are horrible with misplacing our phones but my wife is definitely worse. She left her phone on top of her car a couple years ago and only repeated (read: hundreds) calls finally got the guy who found it to be willing to return it for a "reward" for his efforts. I was gonna reward him alright but the wife made me give him some money instead. Still to this day she misplaces her phone at least 3 or 4 times a month so I really do want to find a lost phone app that even a tek geeneeous like me can use. Is LostAndroid still a good option?