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LTE Anyone?


Hiding behind a mystery
So Rogers has rolled out LTE to some of the major cities in Canada (Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal). They are having a promo plan 10GB for ~$55 with regulatory fees.

When Rogers launched their LTE in Ottawa they also came out with their data pricing
I have an SGS2 reserved (#234) but more because I need a replacement for my failing iPhone 3GS and the SGS2 seems to me to be the best option out there. I'm in Calgary so expect to face a long wait before LTE becomes a factor!
I wonder if you're force to pay for 'LTE data' because you have an LTE phone if you're getting the phone on contract?
Hi Everyone,

I'm Melanie from the Rogers team. Just wanted to give a little bit of info about LTE plans here.

You are not required to get an LTE plan just because it's an LTE device. However, that said, you will need an LTE device AND an LTE plan in order to access the network.

In your case here, zantesys, you will have the option to get either an LTE plan or a normal HSPA+ plan. If you choose HSPA+, you will not have access to LTE if you are ever in LTE areas.

It really all depends on what your needs are and what networks are available where you are.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Melanie. My intention is to get the HSPA+ plan initially (as I rarely get to the cities where LTE is active), and wait and see what happens with LTE in Calgary. I assume changing the type of plan later won't be an issue?

So (and not totally changing the subject): may I ask if you have any info on the Nexus Prime for Rogers?
I went into a Rogers yesterday and they said they aren't taking anymore reservations for the SGS2 LTE. This sucks cause I want to be sure I have one when it becomes available later this month (hopefully).
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