OK, nearly got my mail set up "The Google Way" but I'm having a little issue at the Android end. Using a HTC Hero so it's 1.5, here's the thing:
I've got two domains I need to receive email from, and I wanted them running through IMAP so I've got Gmail set up to collect them via POP from my server and do the IMAP thing for me. That's all cool, great stuff from Google, very pleased.
One of the domains is business email, the other personal, and I wanted to be able to reply From those domains to email sent to those domains. I got that set up at Gmail, got my desktop mail client (Thunderbird) set up to handle it too.
So... On my phone I'm currently using K-9 (but not married to it, if anyone has any better ideas). I have the Gmail account set up and I'm being pushed all the mail, labels are all correct and everything, love the receiving. But the sending - all the replies go From my Gmail address - no good!
So can I set it up to send From my two domains while still retaining the IMAP goodness of Gmail? Or is there any other mail client that can do it?
Any advice much appreciated.
Edit: A-ha! Found the identities options and got them all set up, currently set with my work identity as default to avoid any embarrassing incidents. Would be nice to have it auto-select based on which To: address I'm replying from but it doesn't seem to do that.
I've got two domains I need to receive email from, and I wanted them running through IMAP so I've got Gmail set up to collect them via POP from my server and do the IMAP thing for me. That's all cool, great stuff from Google, very pleased.
One of the domains is business email, the other personal, and I wanted to be able to reply From those domains to email sent to those domains. I got that set up at Gmail, got my desktop mail client (Thunderbird) set up to handle it too.
So... On my phone I'm currently using K-9 (but not married to it, if anyone has any better ideas). I have the Gmail account set up and I'm being pushed all the mail, labels are all correct and everything, love the receiving. But the sending - all the replies go From my Gmail address - no good!
So can I set it up to send From my two domains while still retaining the IMAP goodness of Gmail? Or is there any other mail client that can do it?
Any advice much appreciated.
Edit: A-ha! Found the identities options and got them all set up, currently set with my work identity as default to avoid any embarrassing incidents. Would be nice to have it auto-select based on which To: address I'm replying from but it doesn't seem to do that.