After my second third flash, this is still occurring. And it's not just SD Card problems too, I've got CM 6.1, final I believe?
Here's exactly what happens:
I'll put in my SD Card (Brand new, FAT32 formatted, the works...blah blah blah ) and the phone will recognize it. OK, so it's all good, right? Wrong.
I transfer all of my Apps to the SD card, and they seem to be working properly.
***After a while, things start going haywire. The Apps don't come up in the Application list, and if they do, they have the generic little Android logo and you can't open them.
***I'll check the SD card setting thingy and often times, it will say Unavailable for how much memory it has left and how much has been used. One time it said 00 for both fields.
Sometimes when this happens, the phone starts going nuts. ADW launcher will start crashing, and the phone will reboot many times on it's own.
Please, what must I do to have a good experience with my first G1?
Here's exactly what happens:
I'll put in my SD Card (Brand new, FAT32 formatted, the works...blah blah blah ) and the phone will recognize it. OK, so it's all good, right? Wrong.
I transfer all of my Apps to the SD card, and they seem to be working properly.
***After a while, things start going haywire. The Apps don't come up in the Application list, and if they do, they have the generic little Android logo and you can't open them.
***I'll check the SD card setting thingy and often times, it will say Unavailable for how much memory it has left and how much has been used. One time it said 00 for both fields.
Sometimes when this happens, the phone starts going nuts. ADW launcher will start crashing, and the phone will reboot many times on it's own.
Please, what must I do to have a good experience with my first G1?