What is the maximum amperage that the Droid Bionic will pull? All of the chargers that I've bought from Motorola put out 850 mA. But I have a couple of old chargers sitting around that put out 1 Amp and have a USB connection. So what I'm wondering is: if I plug a USB A-to-micro USB cable into these 1 Amp chargers, will my Bionic pull 1 Amp and charge faster?
It may potentially work for you but you are taking a chance of heating the battery up allot more as well as damaging it in due to this. I am not an expert with this but within all of my years with dealing with RC cars and trucks I definatley would not recommend it in due to the battery not lasting as long I know that from experience.
I had friends of mine that had RC vehicles and they would put there cars on a fast charge and I would put my battery on a slow trickle charge low amps ect. My battery lasted twice as long in my truck compared to my friends little buggy he had. Yes both the same battery same manufacture.
Comparision was that I got an extra twenty minutes of fun out of my truck before it was dead enough I could not use it. He was lucky to get fifteen out of his car. In due to him doing this so much when he tried a slow trickle charge himself the battery still only charged so much and he still was only able to get fifteen minutes out of the battery.
I also should mention the one day we did swap batteries to see if it was just his car and he got thirty five minutes out of my battery and I only was getting about fifteen out of his battery in my truck.
Conclusion: You are taking a chance that the battery will actually not fully charge in due to this. You will see less actual battery life without it being on the charger.
Me myself in due to me not always being able to reach for a charger and for the work I do I need longer battery life out of my phone I would not do this. My Fascinate phone right now can last up to four days without being on a charger and I havent even modded the phone yet and its running the latest Gingerbread build.
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