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Help Maxx Contacts Not In Google Contacts

If that's the case will enabling that sync all contacts to Google Contacts or just whatever new contacts I create?

Just the new contacts. When you purchased the phone, they moved your contacts over from your old phone, didn't they? That is the common source of this. Just like you have it now, it places your contacts on the phone and doesn't link them to Google. I've always thought this was a dumb way to do it.

As Kwayit mentioned you can get a file of all your contacts and import them to Google. As far as the duplicates, I'd suggest deleting all your contacts on the phone before you start any sort of sync. Just make sure all your contacts are listed in the file before you start deleting.

Getting everything setup can be a real pain in the beginning, but once it is done you don't have to worry about you contacts going anywhere anymore. The other great thing is that they will auto load after a reset or with any other Android device you ever use.
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I'm not having luck online with the Backup Assistant Plus website. It's telling me to wait while it retrieves my data, but never gets past that. I see on my Maxx, that I have being having successful backups to BA+, so I don't know why managing this online would be a problem.

It would appear I need to get this BA+ issue resolved on the website, so I can import/export those contacts to Google. Any suggestions as to what might be wrong?
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