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MAXX vs. rezound


Android Enthusiast
I bought the GN the day it released but traded it in on a Rezound due to signal issues. While I like my Rezound, I don't love it. The camera isn't great and I have problems losing connection a lot but only when on facebook (no idea why), and people say I'm hard to understand when using the Bluetooth in my car. My son is eligible for an upgrade and his incredible is starting to have some issues. My question is, should I use his upgrade to get the MAXX and give him my Rezound, wait for something better to come out, or just stick with my Rezound and let him pick out whatever he wants.
It really depends what you want out of a phone. As i have not used a Rezound (though i really want to), i cant comment that much about it. I use Razr Maxx, and i too like it, but dont love it.

Most common difference between the two are:

Rezound has a way better screen, while Razr has a crap screen. Rezound screen has more pixels per inch than iPhone, while you can see Razr's pixels. Razr's screen is much darker as well.

Rezound is more bulky and not as good looking, while Razr is very thin, and in my opinion beautiful. Razr Maxx has a huge battery, and is probably more responsive than Rezound.

But to answer your question, if its your brother's upgrade, then i think he should make the decision. If he wants a Rezound, i suggest getting the Maxx, both of you trying it out, and make a decision whether to keep or exchange it. There are new/better phones coming out, and if it were me, i would probably wait.
But to answer your question, if its your brother's upgrade, then i think he should make the decision. If he wants a Rezound, i suggest getting the Maxx, both of you trying it out, and make a decision whether to keep or exchange it. There are new/better phones coming out, and if it were me, i would probably wait.

It's my son's phone, not my brothers...we would buy the phone and pay his monthly bill, so he has little say if I want to take his upgrade. ;). If it was my brother's phone or if our son paid for it, then it would be a different story.

But if it's not any better than the Rezound I don't see the point in doing it at this time. I'm okay with what I have. The only disadvantage is the older my Rezound is the less thrilled he would be about getting it...
Sorry i thought i read brother my mistake.

I consider the Rezound and Maxx to be equal. Both have advantages/disadvantages, it really comes down to whether the user wants a good screen + HTC Sense, or a good battery + MotoBlur + prettier/slightly slimmer device, if they consider it pretty.

Id wait and get a newer phone. After all Rezound/Razr are half a year old already.
I have had them both and love the maxx. Light, and incredible battery life. I find the screen to be just fine. Great reception. I just love getting 30 hours or more with the battery. It is the first phone I can use all the features and not worry. 4 g, live wallpapers, frequent updates, etc. it works great.
I was in a similar situation. Had my choice of the three when they all hit the shelves, and chose the rebound. After 5 months I needed a change due to lack of developer support even though l loved the phone. Although sense by far has the best Widgets I needed aosp since the Bluetooth stack is not compatible with certain things.

Gave the rezound to my wife and bought the Nexus figuring signal issues were taken care of by now. Wrong. The phone was unusable and battery was horrendous. I was swapping batteries all day long. Pathetic. The phone had to go, even though it was beautiful and in my opinion didn't need any additional ROMs to make it great. Just didn't work.

I had the choice now to hold off or buy the Maxx, which I did.

The reason was I was def impressed with the smoothness of the phone, although not perfect, feels great. After the Nexus I began to think anything over 4.5 inches is a bit too big. Virtual buttons are cool, but they didn't disappear using HBO go just during YouTube stuff. Nor did they vanish when playing games. You can get by without them. I made all the excuses I could to keep the phone, but after having all three I decided usability is most important. A low end screen does not annoy me any where near the aggravation of swapping out batteries or carrying around a brick (rezound with extended battery). If I wait from another phone I will be depending on form factor of a 4.7 inch screen and hope what hits the shelves is what I need. If a phone like the Maxx comes out with a high def screen, faster processor, better camera, I will be all for it if its close to the same size and retains the amazing battery life.

I always wanted a phone with the perks of Android and battery life of the old school iPhones. The Maxx is that phone. Not perfect, but def best of three for all around use. In my opinion, the Rezound is the best phone out of all of them, but plan on carrying a brick if you want it. Rezound locks on to 4G signal like it was born to do it. This is the phone you can cancel your home internet for. Just amazing. That being said, the MAXX has been most satisfying for me so far, and has great resale value for if I want to come out of pocket for an upgrade.
RAZR does not come with cool $100.00 headphones...in fact no headphones at all. I was kinda stunned when I emptied the box.
RAZR does not come with cool $100.00 headphones...in fact no headphones at all. I was kinda stunned when I emptied the box.

Beats stuff is way overpriced (not bad, but overpriced) and its not like the average smartphone user doesn't already have a dozen pairs of mediocre headphones.
I notice that the OP mentions the camera on his rezound. The camera on the Razr sucks, IMO, so if that's important, like it was for me, you may want to wait for a different phone to come out. I wish Verizon was getting the HTC One X.
I notice that the OP mentions the camera on his rezound. The camera on the Razr sucks, IMO, so if that's important, like it was for me, you may want to wait for a different phone to come out. I wish Verizon was getting the HTC One X.

I wouldn't say it sucks. I think it is better than the nexus and takes decent enough pics it is just lowlight where it really suffers but then again it is a phone camera
Beats stuff is way overpriced (not bad, but overpriced) and its not like the average smartphone user doesn't already have a dozen pairs of mediocre headphones.

I agree with you about having a lot of headphones around but still it's kind of expected isn't it? Still I guess given a choice I would take the big battery as the trade off.

My jury is still out really camera performance....my Trophy too some great outdoor pictures in full sunlight...fire on lock from dedicated camera button was sweet too. But I am in general pleased with RAZR so far...just miss that sweet camera button.
I had the Rezound for about a week and returned it for the LG Spectrum and then the Maxx. My son still has the Rezound.

Out of the three, I prefer the Maxx because of the industrial solid design, thinness, materials used, and of course, battery life. The Rezound was way too bulky for me and Sense is not my cup of tea (I know, you can root and put a rom to fix this or a launcher).

The screen is the best by far on the LG Spectrum. The screen is amazingly beautiful, clear, and has gorilla glass on it, plus 720p and a 4.5" screen.

Cameras, in my opinion, are better on the Rezound and the Spectrum, but acceptable on the Maxx.

The battery life on the Maxx can not be emphasized enough; it is truly impressive and allows you to use the phone to its full potential (widgets on, email, web, videos, gps, phone...without fear of running out of battery).
The battery life on this phone is extremely impressive. I can't go back now. I don't think I will ever own a phone again that doesn't have a battery that can truly last all day.
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