Hello!I have a problem with the boot, help me please?Sorry for my english grammar. So I got my box like 1 week ago. I turned on but everything was very slowly so I changed the cable and changed the tv for my pc monitor and then worked well. I tryed set the hdmi setting and the superuser , but maybe I made some bad settings. After all not working nothing. I tryed with so much diffred tv/monitor and much much more diffred hdmi cable, also tryed with mini diplay port by usb c - hdmi, but everything the same show me the "videostrong logo" and thas all no android logo nothing only black screen. I tryed by conecting pc and tyed give him some command by adb shell. Connected but if I want ask something for example wm display, it saying: is the systeam running? cant connect the window manager(image). I tryed the reset button but its only restarting thats all. Not working the power and the recovery button. Thanks a lot if somebody can hely me.