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Memory full problem in Samsung Galaxy Tab 2


Android Question

My Galaxy tab 2 showing memory full though it has 12 GB internal memory ?
The application option shows the amount of usage that different applications have but that doesnt even come close to 11GB (its just totals upto 1 GB) , where has the rest of the memory gone?Plus even if u rectify the errors,some memoy gets free, but that also for sometime ... Then again u have the same notification stating"memory full, some applications may not work" ?Please help

There is a small app on playstore called "diskusage" by Ivan Volosyuk which will give you a clear idea of what is using the space. Its probably music files or cached data from facebook etc. Without knowing how you use the tablet is not easy to guess. Another app called history eraser clears program cache files efficiently. Generally caches can be cleared with no ill effect other than needing to download the data again IF its needed.

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