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Root metamorph on bugless beast

thank you kindly for the response. Would you happen to remember which themes worked with either?

When using MetaMorph, you don't have to apply an entire theme to every app on your DROID ... you get to pick and choose. I saw a screenshot of the phone app from an HTC theme and really liked it. It looks much cooler on the phone. I also theme a few other apps ... contacts, umm ... I forget the others.



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Seems like there isn't much MetaMorph theming stuff out there for the Droid yet, like it's relatively new. Still, it doesnt seem that hard.

From just skimming the various forums it seems like all you need to do is open up the deodexed apk of the app you wanna theme. Change the PNGs however you want in photoshop, then reload them to the phone with a .thm file in MetaMorph and reboot.

I havent tried this yet, (still reading up) but doesnt seem like it will be too too hard. I think I read that Pete's ROM have most of the apks deodexed, so that's a help to start with.

Am I thinking this is easier than it actually is?
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So I am relatively new to rooting, slowly getting a hang of all the options. It's kind like options overload, if you will. :)

I have Bugless Beast 0.7.5 flashed, and while I enjoy the theme, I want help complete the overall look.
One thing I saw was AdamZ's Smoked Glass, yes it is what BB uses for the theme. But I like the blue highlights, and I am thinking I might want to use it.
Is it as simple as applying the theme in MetaMorph? I have yet to download metamorph but don't want to go tinkering around without a little assurance I'm not going to break something (though a nandroid backup would restore it to pre-screw up yes?).

More importantly, I see someone has posted a facebook theme, but I am confused... is it a theme file and I apply it, or do I uninstall facebook and then install a pre-themed apk?

On that line, I am looking to have some other widgets themed, like Pure Calendar and Pure Grid Calendar, and the FeedR widgets.
These theme options are pretty much overwhelming and basically I'll admit, I just don't know where to start.

Is there an easy way to go about that, or do I have to make the images myself for the apks?
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I have been trying to apply AdamZ's Smoked Glass 2.0 theme with metamorph, but when I hit "apply all", it just hangs on Alarm Clock (first item). Granted, I realized I didn't need that one, as I now use the DeskClock.apk release.

So I figured I'd try just picking the individual apps to them, and it was one of two problems:

For some apps, it would say the location did not exist and would not continue. Figure this is a discrepancy between the ROM (Bugless Beast 0.7.5) and the theme, in regards to where apps got installed. However quite a few have said they applied the theme with no issues.

For other apps, it just sits there, saying "Please Wait: Applying ____.apk theme". It never does anything.

Does this sound like an obvious issue from something I screwed up on my end?
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can someone link me to some metamorph themes for droid. thanks

Well, I used metamorph to color the modified Home++. Heres the link to the theme/patch:
AllDroid - View topic - [DARK ROM PATCH] *UPDATED 2/8/10-FIX* (works WITH your ROM)

And to metamorph different colors:
AllDroid - View topic - DARK Color Themes *Green/Red/Blue/Pink/Purple*

A few FCs but nothing major. Installed the update.zip right over Bugless Beast with no problem. I remember trying Home++ on the market and always ended up uninstalling because of too many FCs but this one seems different. Its running so smooth and home++ is very functional. Most of the time (occasional FC). Excellent themed widgets. Awesome work by krazykrivda.
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So, I can just install Metamorph from the Market on my BB 0.7.5 and then find a nice theme I wanna use (like those that rdillz linked to) to make my phone look better?

Also, big question - rdillz - those links you provided - are those for just the UI enhancement, and I can skip installing Home++, or are those specifically for Home++ only?
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I believe you either gotta use the Home++ patch or his 2.1 ROM to use metamorph colors. Not really sure at all on that. Both are UI changes, But in his words,

"Once you have either of my base ROM installed or my *NEW* DARK ROM PATCH, you can install these Metamorph colored themes. (Just as easy as changing your phone cover )"

So I choose the Home++ patch so I can stay on BB. I must say this combo is great. BTW, the screens on the colors page is his 2.1 ROM. Home++ screens are in the 1st link.
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I finally broke down and played with Metamorph themes this morning. It took a little work but well worth it. It is not as "plug and play" as my days of PandaHome but well worth the effort. Found and update.zip file that changed my animated startup and I am running a deep blue theme that looks and runs great.

The moral of the story - do the searching (Droid stuff is out there), read related threads, and jump in, the water's great!!!
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