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Micro SD Cards


Ok, so I know this is a topic that has been really over-discussed, but I really can't seem to find very much good information online, so I turn to you with a few questions...

I currently have what I believe is a genuine Sandisk 16 GB Class 2 microSD card. And from reading in the forum - I realized when I upgraded (in the meantime I reverted back...) to CM 7.0.3 I had serious lag issues, and I understood from different posts that it was because I needed to upgrade the class of my SD card. In the interim, I've purchased a Sensation 4G (which I have yet to receive - but expect to have by Wednesday). I know this phone comes with an 8GB card - I'm just not sure of the class - but assuming that the phone records HD video - they should have the sense (no pun intended) to provide at least a class 4 SD card right?

Here's the thing. It's really hard to understand - even from reputable stores, which SD cards are real and which are fake.

General questions:
1) Why do some cards have their class marked on them and some don't? What does this mean?

2) There is no standard look to SD cards even from the same company. How can I know where to buy a real one?

I already got burned by eBay - so I'm not going down that route again - but even NewEgg and Amazon (where I bought this card from and am happy with...even though I'm no longer sure it's even real. I downloaded an app that's supposed to test read/write speed and authenticity - and it didn't say Sandisk, so now I don't know...Despite being a class 2 card with write speeds of higher than 6 MB... so I really am confused. I'm assuming a fake card would cheap out on quality...)

While I always prefer to pay a bit more for the best - and from what I can see there is no consensus regarding any SD cards besides Sandisk/Toshiba/Samsung, however - there are no SD cards from any of these brands to be found online for purchase with a class higher than 4 - besides class 10 that costs somewhere in the vicinity of $100 (which I am currently unwilling to pay).

1) Is there no Sandisk Class 6 or 8 card?
2) Why can't I find them anywhere if so?
3) What is known about companies such as Kingston/PNY/Lexar/Transcend - what I've seemed to find is that the good reviews are great - but the bad ones are REALLY BAD. Do I want to chance getting a lemon and losing something as precious as photographs??
4) What about reputable companies that aren't necessarily known for their memory/SD card strengths but other areas - Duracell, HP, Panasonic, Nokia?
5) Would I be better off downgrading to a smaller card with a higher class? (i.e. 8GB Class 10?)

I'm really confused - any and all help would be very much appreciated.

Phew, that's a long post. :)

The classes should be normally mentioned on the cards. You are better off to get a minimum class 4 card (class 6 better).
Use reputable stores, like Play.com or Amazon to buy them.

You can test the cards with a tool called h2testw. Get it here.
If it does not say.. Then assume the lowest class.. 2.

Why are some better performance than spec.... Because oem have a production quota.. For each class.. For each reseller/repackager. And it is easier to produce one and label them different.
The production is not precise and some will not test at the higher speed.. So that mark the whole batch at the lower speed

I am ok to use amazon or newegg
Just read the reviews and description.. Do not assume anything!
And if enough bad reviews.. That explain why... The don't get it.
A long time ago there was a thread about all this. The processors in phones can barely write fast enough to overwhelm the write speed of a class 2 card. There is really not much need to buy one faster than class 2. If it gives you piece of mind, do it, but really it is a waste of money.
Phew, that's a long post. :)

I know - that was an obnoxiously long post - really sorry about that...I just started writing and couldn't stop. :confused:

A long time ago there was a thread about all this. The processors in phones can barely write fast enough to overwhelm the write speed of a class 2 card. There is really not much need to buy one faster than class 2. If it gives you piece of mind, do it, but really it is a waste of money.

I tried searching and couldn't find anything - I remember this topic being discussed incessantly...

So my CM 7.0.3 lag issues likely don't have anything to do with my SD card? Especially if my write speed even exceeds your average class 2? Do you have any idea why I have this issue then? (I was sure I read that it was the class of the SD card). I briefly switched to MIUI and had the same issues - that's what convinced me that it was the SD - I flashed the kernel and still nothing helped. Once I reverted to CM 7.0.0 it was fine.

The classes should be normally mentioned on the cards. You are better off to get a minimum class 4 card (class 6 better).
Use reputable stores, like Play.com or Amazon to buy them.

Does this mean that the ones that don't have the class on them aren't real? Or that they're of lesser quality?

I'd ideally like to get a class 6 or 8 Sandisk (ideally 16 GB like I have) - I just can't find any - do they even have a model like that? Or they only have Class 2/4/10? (Those are the only three I can find anywhere).
Have more faith in our processors than that! I'm pretty sure our phones (even those of us with older ones) can easily handle up to a class 6 and definitely see performance gains from it. Mostly in the butt-dyno (oooh, this feels faster) but beyond doubt in actual benchmarks too. A class 10 probably isn't worth testing just for the cost alone, but there are lots of reasonably priced class 4 and 6 cards out there. Honestly I'd be pretty upset to find out my 3 year old Canon SLR could handle higher write speeds than a hot off the line smartphone.
Have more faith in our processors than that! I'm pretty sure our phones (even those of us with older ones) can easily handle up to a class 6 and definitely see performance gains from it. Mostly in the butt-dyno (oooh, this feels faster) but beyond doubt in actual benchmarks too. A class 10 probably isn't worth testing just for the cost alone, but there are lots of reasonably priced class 4 and 6 cards out there. Honestly I'd be pretty upset to find out my 3 year old Canon SLR could handle higher write speeds than a hot off the line smartphone.

I have a lot of faith in them, or I wouldn't be here...;) I just don't think that the class of card means a whole lot. The thing was, when they did benchmark tests, class 2 cards (of a reputable manufacturer) were almost as fast as class 6 cards. The difference in write speeds was negligible. (from the long lost thread, and my memory) I have never had lag associated with my sd card, and have never had a class higher than 2. I run all the apps I can from it. YMMV, but save yourself some money....
writing might be an issue with speed of the phone... might be.

but reading is a huge plus with higher classes...
reading apps loaded on your sdcard...
reading many many pics on your sdcard...
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