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Microphone issue doesn't make sense


I really can't remember if I had this issue before or after I replaced the screen on my Xiaomi Mi Max 3 so I'm not sure if it's a hardware or software issue.

You would think it's a hardware issue until you read its symptoms because it doesn't make sense to me.

When I speak to someone using my network provider, the person I speak to says when I use my phone's speakerphone they can hear their own voice and often sounds squeaky. When it's not on speakerphone it's fine, however, when using WhatsApp to make the call it's the exact opposite!

Has anyone had this issue before? I don't want to replace my phone but if I can verify it's a hardware issue then I'll feel better knowing I don't have much of a choice.

Thanks very much and hope you can help.
I've never heard of this before. Echos of your own voice can happen in areas of bad signal (not had this for years, but there used to be a spot near my office where you could reproducably make this happen), but I've not heard of a difference between regular and speakerphone that reverses between voice call and WhatsApp call - as you say, it's hard to make sense of that.

Does this depend on what sort of network you use, e.g. mobile data or WiFi for WhatsApp, cellular or WiFi calling for voice calls? Is it the same everywhere or with whoever you call, or just some callers (I notice you say it's your network provider for the regular voice calls, but are other people affected the same if you call them)? If there are only certain circumstances where it happens that may provide some clues (or workarounds).
Thanks for your reply.

Yes, good points, I'll get my wife to call 'me' this time and try in Wi-Fi and data mode along with different locations e.g. garden to see if there are any differences.....she will be pleased!
I have had similar issues sometimes.

Usually a device will save multiple volume levels for different things.

Such as when you are using some app, you adjust the volume and so the next time you use the same function the volume is where you left it the last time you used that app.

Also keep in mind that the phone call volumes are separate between the speakerphone and the earpiece.
There is another separate volume for a wired headset and yet another one for a bluetooth headset, and that one alone can have different volumes for different bluetooth devices!

Generally when the other person can 'hear themselves' what that means is that they hear an echo of themselves after they speak.
In my experience this is most often due to a volume level that is too loud.

If whatever microphone source you are using on a phonecall can pick up the sound of the phonecall, then this will be an issue.

Most speakerphones/earpieces are placed intelligently enough that the volume must be up fairly high for this to happen.

Unfortunately, most folks in my age group (50+) leave the phone volume up as far as it can go.

Then, as @Hadron mentioned, a spotty signal can cause and/or multiply the effect.

This is what happens to me most often, and so I turn the volume down even more.

I am lucky that my phone is usually still audible to me at its lowest volume setting for the speakerphone.
I just have to be somewhere reasonably quiet.

Yes, it still sucks.
(It would be nice if we could just have the volumes where we want them.)

Try turning the volume down while speaking with a person that has told you they could hear themselves in previous calls.
First, make a call like normal and verify the problem.
If it is occurring, bring your volume down one notch and see if it goes away.
If not, keep trying again and again, going one volume step down at a time.

It varies slightly, but it seems that my calls are best at between the minimum and 50%.
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