Looking into a bigger microSD card.
For HD recording, at least a Class 6 should be used.
Documentation states that the limit is 32gb, but even the Verizon store could not tell me for sure if a 64gb microSD card will read the full 64gb of storage.
Has anyone tried a 64gb microSD card in the Droid Razr Maxx?
If so, was the limit at 32gb, or did it read the full 64gb?
~Thank you for your time.
For HD recording, at least a Class 6 should be used.
Documentation states that the limit is 32gb, but even the Verizon store could not tell me for sure if a 64gb microSD card will read the full 64gb of storage.
Has anyone tried a 64gb microSD card in the Droid Razr Maxx?
If so, was the limit at 32gb, or did it read the full 64gb?
~Thank you for your time.