My tablet has bricked .. Not to do, I need urgent help. This happened because you install a Custom ROM that contained Google Play .. And After you restart and everything went normal, but he stayed in black screen ...
Not to do, and tried installing an update from a previous vercion ..
And I can not not root hacerm that, I have no access to settings to set the debug mode ..
That I can do, please friends. I'll wait to see if I can help if you suffer the consequences of tell my parents, and not happening anything but hit me: (that's why I do not ask for your help me to be struck, By sen one toto and damage my tablet .
Not to do, and tried installing an update from a previous vercion ..
And I can not not root hacerm that, I have no access to settings to set the debug mode ..
That I can do, please friends. I'll wait to see if I can help if you suffer the consequences of tell my parents, and not happening anything but hit me: (that's why I do not ask for your help me to be struck, By sen one toto and damage my tablet .