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Help Minor update 2.95.651.6. Post here if having issues after update

Does anyone know if I need to accept the 2.95.651.5 update BEFORE I will see the latest .6 update described above?

I never accepted the .5 version, and just checked for new updates on my 3D and what's coming up is still the older .5 update. Went into settings to have it check again and still the same old .5 version that breaks Swype.

I'm tempted to give it a go since threads on both this site and sprint's community forums describe the newer .6 version, perhaps I have to go through the .5 version install first??

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After upgrading to 2.95.651.6, I'm having an issue with SD card encryption. When SD card encryption is enabled, I no longer have the "mount as disk drive" option in the charge menu. I've tried starting from scratch after a factory reset, but still had the same issue. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a solution?

I'm on an HTC Evo 3d (Sprint / CDMA).
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