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Help Missed software update


Dec 23, 2010
Got an OTA notification that an update was available for my MyTouch4g but switched to close another application and lost the notification. Now it doesn't come back. Any clues before I go ahead and install the Gingerbread update from the web? I tried the *#*#checkin#*#* but that doesn't do anything.
I'm assuming you missed the initial Gingerbread OTA update. Since this is a revision to the original T-Mobile Gingerbread upgrade that was cancelled in the middle of the upgrade campaign a few months ago; I don't know that there is actually a legitimate copy available of the newest 2.3.4+ build for MT4G outside of T-Mobile. Sit tight, I think they just started this round of updates on the 20th of December.

I want you to try this- go to: menu, settings, about phone, software updates, "check now". See what it offers you. There is a HTC security update available. I'm running software number 2.32.531.1 with the HTC update I just ran 20 minutes ago. let me know what your phone says.

I'm glad I didn't wait for the original OTA Gingerbread upgrade or I probably would never have received it. (I used a verified copy available online at the time) Supposedly T-Mobile had pulled the OTA update program to fix a few bugs and add a few other things (GMAIL updates, etc) to the original 2.3.4 for MT4G. We'll see what happens. After all, ICS is right around the corner & I hope they port it to MT4G as I'm not buying another android phone. Mine is less than a year old.
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