E Elle Tatouage Lurker Feb 26, 2010 #1 Is there a way to add more app pages, so I have more than 3. Home, left and right. I don't like having to use the pull up list. Thanks.
Is there a way to add more app pages, so I have more than 3. Home, left and right. I don't like having to use the pull up list. Thanks.
johnlgalt Antidisestablishmentarian Feb 26, 2010 #2 Several ways - upgrade to an alternate/custom ROM, install a home replacement screen, or just get Launcher + Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Several ways - upgrade to an alternate/custom ROM, install a home replacement screen, or just get Launcher + Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
J johnny99 Newbie Feb 27, 2010 #3 I just created a bunch of folders on the home page and put similar groups of apps in each one.