With Froyo/2.2 on Motorola Droid, we now have an app drawer tab that has phone / apps / web. This is persistent when side-scrolling to the five desktop spaces. My "trick" is to make a wallpaper with a 85 pixel bar (on 480x854 wallpaper) on the bottom, giving the app drawer button a persistent background. This is not new, or revolutionary, but I wanted to share the idea and the pixel size that I used.
Just wallpaper: tinypic.com/r/fxqg3m/4
Note, wallpaper incorporates "Gothback 6 Pattern Pack" from DeviantArt. CC-license. auradesign.deviantart.com/art/goth-back-6-pattern-pack-89454044
Just wallpaper: tinypic.com/r/fxqg3m/4
Note, wallpaper incorporates "Gothback 6 Pattern Pack" from DeviantArt. CC-license. auradesign.deviantart.com/art/goth-back-6-pattern-pack-89454044