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Moto G 1st gen won't power up.


For the passed few days my Moto G 1st gen has been loosing a lot of battery capacity. Then 2 nights ago the battery % dropped to zero over night. As far as I can remember it was about 70% during the evening. I recharged it yesterday morning and yesterday evening it was still at about 94%. This morning it has powered off and woundn't power back on again.

I plugged it back in to the charger and tried to power it up, no chance, so I left it for 20 minutes or so and tried it again. Still nothing so I thought about plugging it into my MacBook to see if it would show aon there. I unplugger it and tried the power button again. To my surprise it powered up and when complete I looked at the battery state. It shows 94% !

If anyone has any idea as to what is going on here I would love to hear it please? Normally my mobile doesn't get a lot of use, but we have just moved house and we both need to make and receive a lot more calls than usual making it a lot more important that it's working OK. As is well known, moving is stressful, but this has been the 2nd part of a double move for us. France to Wiltshire and a rented place followed by the 2nd move to our new home. We are just about on our knees !
Sorry, I hadn't realised that there was a separate forum for the Mark? Thank you for moving it.

After I had posted the original I had a look at the possibility of changing the battery and that should not be any kind of problem. Plus, I really like the phone and its slim line. For me it's more of an emergency item than an arm extension that has to be checked every 5 minutes and it does a very good job. So £10 or so for a new battery compared to a LOT more to replace it does not compute.

About 13 hours ago I took it off charge at 100% and it is showing 87% now so I am really confused as to why it dropped to zero 2 nights ago and switched its self of last night. The only thing I can come up with is that I had inadvertedly pressed the on\off button in my pocket last night? No idae about the night before. I will see what happens tonight?
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