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Moving on...


Android Enthusiast
I'm really sad to say that I've decided to move to a non-Motorola phone. I've been rocking Motorola since the Moto-Q and I enjoyed the Moto X, Bionic, and the DRM. I thought I could picture never getting anything else. I really liked the DRM and even though I had a few issues, I was holding on because I believed in the phone and Motorola. Yesterday I wandered into Verizon with a few questions about my account and upgrading without losing my unlimited data. Before I knew it I was walking out the door with a new Samsung Galaxy S4. I wasn't expecting to pull the trigger, but sadly I'm glad I did.

Ever since I've had the DRM, I've been having trouble texting. I was constantly misspelling every word I typed, and my frustration level was at an all time high. I really thought I was "fat fingering" it, but the s4 confirmed it was MAXX. I've misspelled very few words since moving over. I've also had issues with Bluetooth connections. I have Bluetooth in my car, and I would often wait so long for the phone to connect that I would get half way to my destination before my car would announce connection. Again, the s4 confirmed it was the MAXX. There are a few other nits, but I won't go into them. Before anyone asks if I did a Factory Reset, I actually reloaded the complete Standard OS ROM when Jelly Bean arrived, which helped for a while, but over time the phone just kept giving me issues.

There will be several things I will miss about the RAZR. Samsung puts a ton of bloatware on the phone, and some of it I can get around, but there's other stuff I find annoying. I am also a major accessory freak. I had the desk and car dock for the RAZR, and the Verizon rep confirmed that Samsung has nothing compared to Moto's dock accessories. In fact Samsung really has no dock accessories

I will continue to lurk here because being a tech junky, I do enjoy jumping into discussions about any kind of hardware where I have some form of knowledge. I also look forward to the day when I can come back to Motorola.

BTW, I was able to upgrade at a discounted price for the new phone and not lose my unlimited data. I'll post about it in the Verizon forum, but if you're interested, drop me a line...

Thanks for all of your great feedback and help--it has really helped over the time I had the phone!

Take care...
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