That's where I disagree with you. For the record, I'm Christian myself and have studied other religions like Islam and Hinduism. Not so familiar with Eastern religions TBH and definitely more familiar with the Western triad. I still think the world is a big enough place for Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, secularists, atheists, agnostics and anyone else to live in. I don't see why we can't just politely disagree and go our merry ways. Yes, you may think it's bad that a Christian tells you you're going to hell. So what. The Muslim will tell the Christian the same thing. Maybe the Muslim is right. Maybe the atheist is right. Maybe everyone is right. Maybe everyone is wrong. In any case, it's a big world, can't we just disagree civilly?
I would love for that to be the case. Eastern Religions are interesting to study but at the end you have to ask if it was worth the time. Hinduism is a bit more interesting because of its obsession with sexual acts as spiritual acts.
The problem is that the very nature of Christian and Islamic belief does not allow for other beliefs. If it was as simple as them telling me I was going to hell I could deal with that to, even though that gets annoying after a minute.
I will change the frame of my opinion here to a similar argument that removes religion but still illustrates the point by using a topic I do believe you and I are in agreement on.
I equate it to the Liberal belief that we must be saved from ourselves. Which often comes across as an elitist mindset that we are to stupid to choose the right paths for ourselves and must have it dictated by the state. They are seeking to use the Government to control behavior that does not harm them but simply doesn't line up with their views.
Now substitute the word Liberal with Christian or Muslim and it fits perfectly.
Both groups are actively trying to assert control over the general public with a moral view they get from their religion. This by default can only mean that they believe an elitist view that no one can live a moral life with out their religion.
I am not speaking about individuals here as you do have a pretty moderate view even though you claim you are Christian and yes some Christians come down on my side of the fence. My own parents who are Fundamentalist Baptists have always supported separation of Church and State because there is so much diversity in Christianity that they worried that if religion was allowed to be preached in school it just might not be their version which to them was a bigger threat than science. That was before this magic word Christian evolved to a catch all big tent unifying people with far different views under the same banner for purely political reasons.
I did not wake up one day and say I hate religion. My activist even fanatical view point is in direct response to my secular beliefs being under constant threat from groups that want to control my private life when I am harming no one.
The real sad thing about it is if Christians would live and let live I actually agree with them on a few points that I would actively get out and support.
Not to side track the discussion with a hot button issue but the perfect example of this is abortion.
From an Atheists scientific view point I do believe it is murder. Science completely supports that life begins at the moment of conception. We live in an age where women do have a choice, its called being responsible and preventing pregnancy from happening in the 1st place. And while yes I know that birth control is not 100% effective individually you can supplement them with all kinds of spermicides and condoms and the like to get it to 99.999999999....%. Then that smallest chance can further be whittled away by understanding their own bodies cycles and not having sex right before or during ovulation.. It all hinges on personal responsibility.
Cases of rape or molestation are a lot stickier. The new life growing in the womb that is in fact a separate sentient being created at the moment sperm finds egg did not rape any one but will get the death penalty for the crime of living.
But here is the pivot point for compromise where neither side gets what they want which is the biggest indicator you have found fair middle ground.
Even though I have a strong feeling about it I could leave it as the best we could do. But Christian Extremist can't compromise because their god is right and you can't compromise with God so they have launched a campaign from a point of intolerance that has led to deaths and has crippled our government.
This is the issue that killed live and let live in this country. It truly is an issue being fought by the extremes that every one is forced to take a side in.