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My Mom


Android Enthusiast
Ok so my mother is in her her 70's has been looking at getting a Fitbit so because of that I am thinking about getting her a smartphone for Christmas. Anyone think the pixel would be good? My logic is that it should offer a simple and clean android experience with a very easy to read display and easy to read and use. She is coming from a flip phone so this would be her first smartphone experience.

I don't have a pixel but I am looking at getting the XL in the next couple of days. So I thought maybe the pixel would be good for mom. Any advice out there?
Personally, I don't think of plastic as being junk.
it is more survivable IMO than a metal cased phone, and it usually will have a better antenna performance.
Metal creates a shield around the antennas.

for me, it if don't have a replaceable battery, I won't be buying it anyway.
I'd not get a Pixel, I'd go for something less expensive. I'm guessing she is not going to be doing much more than talking, looking at pictures and maybe texting/emailing. The Pixel may be overkill for her needs. I have a Moto X Pure, it's a great phone and still has a nice, clear good size display. It's pretty much straight up Android, no bloat.
I just read a review on the Moto X Pure, and I have to totally agree with you.

The Moto X Pure is apt to be all the phone that any of our mom's can handle.
I like the fact that it is pretty much pure Android, and the dual front facing speakers will help mom enjoy watching a video
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I'd not get a Pixel, I'd go for something less expensive. I'm guessing she is not going to be doing much more than talking, looking at pictures and maybe texting/emailing. The Pixel may be overkill for her needs. I have a Moto X Pure, it's a great phone and still has a nice, clear good size display. It's pretty much straight up Android, no bloat.

Thank you very much! I will start looking at this one. And I have German shepherd too. Her name is Morgan and when she was a puppy she would take my phone and run away with it.
I just read a review on the Moto X Pure, and I have to totally agree with you.

The Moto X Pure is apt to be all the phone that any of our mom's can handle.
I like the fact that it is pretty much pure Android, and the dual front facing speakers will help mom enjoy watching a video

Thanks for the reply as well. I am going to look at the moto x pure!
Take a look at the Moto G4 LTE too, it's also very nice. It doesn't have NFC but that may be an issue at all. A friend has one, very capable phone. Not bleeding edge but, again, not sure your mom needs that :)
It looks like the Moto x has been replaced by the moto Z. Verizon no longer carries the X. I will have to go the store and take a look and see if they ruined it or not lol.
That's Lilly, the absolute best dog that ever was or will be. Bar none. She's no longer with me, I had to have her euthanized in April. I miss her terribly and always will. I have another GSD, Tickle, and recently got a retired Greyhound, Raphael.

Yeah, don't go to BB today. lol.
I am sorry for the loss of Lilly. My fiancee lost her GSD Samantha a few years ago and Samantha was defintly her soul mate, Morgan is wonderful but nothing will ever come between what her and Samantha had. Dont forget to play tug with Tickle today! I might venture into best buy tommorow but will probably wait until monday. Will look at the G4. Looks like I can get a new moto x off of amazon for like 150 bucks so that perfect.
Oh, definitely go with the 32 gB version, if she takes very many pictures, the 16 gB version will run out of room fast.

and what grandmother does not enjoy pictures of grandbabies??
I think you might be going a little overboard buying her not only one of the most expensive phones out but one of the most powerful phones out, especially coming from a flip phone. If you don't mind the money part then yes 100% get her the Pixel. Me personally, I just bought my father a Moto X Pure Edition instead. Still a very good phone for a quarter of the price.
I'd not get a Pixel, I'd go for something less expensive. I'm guessing she is not going to be doing much more than talking, looking at pictures and maybe texting/emailing. The Pixel may be overkill for her needs. I have a Moto X Pure, it's a great phone and still has a nice, clear good size display. It's pretty much straight up Android, no bloat.

I'm inclined to agree that a Pixel might be overkill, but maybe not. I'm 76, but have had smartphones for about 12 years, both iOS and Android. I confess that I've probably never used more than 60% of their capabilities. But occasionally I'll mention to one of of my grandchildren - "hey, I wish I could do so and so with my phone". The typical response is usually something like - no problem, just click on this and do that. Point being, even if I'm not as capable as the phone, it's nice to know the functionality is there.
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