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My old phone had better reception...... Any ideas?

Look, I've done android, went to Iphone ( and it was an older I5, but I got better reception). My reception sucks now! I can't update the PRL, because it's At&t.
This is a fairly new phone! WTF do I have to do to get better reception? It's rediculas! Why buy a newer phone if you get worse service. Android still sucks ass in reception.
Unless you're in the city, and on top of towers you're good. People like us in semi-rural areas are f'd.
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I had the same problem with lousy AT&T signal at my house. Call AT&T customer support and nag them till they provide you with a microcell free of charge. It links to your Internet creates a cell within your house with all bars working. Be persistent and at least you will solve the problem at your location. That's assuming you do have Wi-Fi at home.
Thank You, I'll try that.
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